Kenco uses 3 sets of Model Matching for VATSIM. Two freeware and one payware which all work in conjunction with eachother; prioritising the payware. Please see the below for the model matching, and the best way of downloading and using the .VMR on the VATSIM network!

Just Flight - FS Traffic

In my opinion, FS-Traffic is the highest detailed model matching that you can get on the Marketplace. Yes, there is a £26.99 ($39.99) price mark on it; which also includes their own AI Traffic Packages bringing airports to life with real schedules; but it’s the models I’ve paid for. This is priority number 1 in my vPilot, and includes over 66 different models/varients of aircraft with over 850 different liveries; perfect for VATSIM.



FSLTL (FS Live Traffic Liveries) in my opinion is the second best model matching you can get your hands on for VATSIM. There is a great deal more liveries and aircraft models in this package (1900+) and is easy to install onto VATSIM using the FlyByWire Installer. These models also come with custom sounds; so when the planes are taking off around you; it’s not default MSFS, it’s FSLTL working it’s magic.

This is brilliant for starters on VATSIM, and is more than enough to get going with simple installation through the FlyByWire launcher which provides the .VMR file needed for vPilot. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us on the Discord server.

AIG (Alpha India Group) model matching was an original back in the day with MSFS was released in 2020. This is last on my list of priority in vPilot, and is the most confusing to install; unless you use Samuel Leonard’s very useful GitHub link which has all of the models .ZIP’d into one package.

VMR File Downloads